Princess Chayse
Seattle Dominatrix | Succubus | Kinky Girlfriend
425-224-3822 | princesschayse@pm.me | Seattle Tacoma Bellevue
First Time?
Welcome! Take a deep breath, I know it can be overwhelming. I see newbies on a case by case basis.
What I need from you:
A polite, well written email that tells me a bit about yourself and helps me get to know you. I strongly prefer 90 minute or longer appointments when meeting for the first time. I often will ask for your LinkedIn profile. I am discreet with my screening, but I have to feel safe seeing you.
Hi Chayse,
My name is John and I saw your ad on XYZ site. I'm a 45-year-old man who works technology and lives in an igloo on the moon. Some of my interests are collecting dust, building popsicle stick castles, and watching the grass grow. I would like to spend two hours with you on X date and time, or Y date and time.
A $50/hr deposit is required for EVERY
appointment, even if you have a reference.
This deposit can be paid via Cashapp,
BTC/LTC, or Spankpay. This covers the rental fee for the dungeon I use.
Keep in mind:
Sending me vulgar, rude, poorly written messages does not reflect well on your ability to follow instructions and will greatly impact my decision on whether or not I see you.

Whether you consider yourself to be a seasoned client or this is your first time follow these general guidelines to have a good time.
Be on time!! Don't show up 20 minutes early, or late. If you are going to be late let me know as soon as you know. If you're early, offering to pick up coffee is a perfect way to kill some time and earn brownie points with me.
Be clean! I have a shower, tons of fluffy towels, unscented soap, and mouthwash. You can shower before and after our time together
Be polite! Beyond that, bring a positive attitude. The energy you bring helps me gauge the style of session we will have.
Haggle! This is the number one complaint of every girl that I have ever talked to.
Be rude, crude, or offensive! For my safety I do not list or discuss services. However I don't mind you stating activities that you enjoy or are specifically looking for, just be polite about it. As a frame of reference I consider myself to be a kinky girlfriend experience.
Push Boundaries! No means no. The end.